Thursday, 2 February 2012

Grand jetes, pas de bourrees and blistered toes

I continuously surprise myself.

For example, being able to come up with yet ANOTHER BLOG POST:D

Yes may his soul rest in peace. He was indeed inspiring.


For those who aren't very well educated in the world of dance, grand jete and pas de bourrees are french terms for ballet steps. Grand jete is this really cool move where you run and jump up in the air and separate your legs to form a split. Pas de bourree is harder to explain so if you ever do bump into me, don't hesitate to ask for a demo by yours truly:)

I'm sure many of those around me know that i had been a very passionate and dedicated ballerina since i was 7 years old. Unfortunately, i made the choice to stop after finishing Grade 8 in 2009 for various reasons.

1. My teacher was, how do i put it, a bit of a biatch. She demanded too much of our time and considered reasons like " I need to study for my exam" UNREASONABLE. She had this far fetched dream for all of us to be professional dancers. PFFFFT.

2. Being in ballet was great but i really did not have a life. This meaning that i could never attend club meetings or outings due to intensive ballet classes.


Ballet played just a significant role in my life for 10 years so naturally, i thought about going back to dance a lot. I cannot tell you how many times i've dreamt that i was back to doing pirouettes and being yelled at by my teacher. Dancing just makes me happy. Different dances required different emotions and techniques. I just love expressing myself in dance. I  pour out my heart and soul in every single movement. 

Being here in IMU has left  A LOT of free time on my hands. I did start to pick up some ballet again. To all those people out there who are still dancing, DON'T STOP CAUSE WHEN YOU DO IT'S GONNA HURT LIKE A BITCH WHEN YOU WANNA START AGAIN. SERIOUSLY.

I tried dancing today in my room cause it's quite spacious. Got bored and took some pictures of me warming up. To channel my inner ballerina i decided to put on one of my favourite leotards. Please ignore the fake excited smile on my face. Yes i am a lot less flexible than i used to be.

After that i did some jumps and turns. Then i got bored. THAT MEANS MORE PICTURES! These are some of my oh so graceful ballet poses.

Yeah this is what boredom does to you i guess. 

I never regret my decision to dedicate 10 years of my life to this art form. Ballet has helped me cope with many obstacles in life. When i dance, i feel safe. Not to boast or brag, but one of the main reasons i love dancing so much is because i'm actually somewhat good at it and this gives me the confidence to conquer bigger things:) If i could start dancing again i would in a heart beat, but for now i'm content because i had this wonderful opportunity to perform such a delicate and precious art form. 

Before i stop typing gibberish, I wanna thank everyone who has been very supportive of my blog. THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION PEOPLE!

Before i end, i just wanna tell everyone out there to never stop doing what you love. Very cliche of me but it's true. Do what makes you happy and life will seem more worthwhile. PEACE OUT!


  1. :D awesome work miss leanne kho. joy reading your posts. dont stop ;)

  2. at one point i actually thought the blocthes on the cupboard were added effects from photoshop haha xD
