Monday 21 May 2012



Not a celebratory kind of 'I'm back' but more like the as-a-matter-of-fact kind of announcement that

I'm back. In KL.


Being back here has never felt weirder.

It's not that I'm claustrophobic (because I'm not) but it's just a weird sensation of having to be alone and independent again.

For example,

I got back, did my laundry, changed the bed sheets, swept the floor, mopped the floor, cleaned the bathroom and unpacked my 17.1kg worth of clothes.

I can imagine all your expressions to be like this due to pure shock of my new-found ability to do house chores.

I know it's only mediocre in the world of homemaking but it's an achievement.

Oh would you look at that!

Just see how the floor glistens against the glare of the fluorescent lights.

Satisfaction indeed.

I have absolutely nothing to complain about as I've had one of the best 3 weeks I've ever had in a long time 

and I owe it all to my beloved friends and family back home.

You guys are amazing and there's no one else I can just let loose and be myself with other than you guys.

*cue melancholic music*
Received my results for my first semester.
Praise the Lord because am pretty satisfied with it.
Another thing to be satisfied about (besides my newly-cleaned floor).

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